Get Connected

As Unificationists, wherever you stand, our hope at 24+ is to help you realize your goals - whether that’s in life, faith, or relationships.

We’ve put together a list of some resources that we’ve found helpful.

If there’s something that’s been beneficial to you, let us know so we can share it.

Community is built

Blessing & Family Ministry (BFM) is our sponsor. They want to help people build strong, faith-based families - and offer resources for singles and couples getting ready for marriage, plus tips on parenting and healthy relationships. With educational materials, podcasts, and community support, BFM’s goal is to help Unificationists create loving, God-centered homes.

High Noon is an independent non-profit organization that promotes sexual integrity and healthy relationships based on Unification Principles. It offers programs and support for individuals, small groups, courses, webinars, and podcasts. The organization emphasizes honesty, grace, integrity, accountability, and courage. Past participants have shared that their programming was really helpful for them personally.

Our staff is happy to help too with questions and concerns. We’re all married couples, some with children, and we have a variety of different skills and passions. If you want to talk, send us an email! We’d love to hear how we can be a resource for you.

Mental Health and Wellness:

Life can be challenging. If you're dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or any other mental health challenge, reaching out for professional support can make a significant difference and help you find a path forward.

BFM has compiled a list of trained and experienced counselors and therapists that are familiar with our faith tradition. Attached are their certifications and contact information. Pricing, services offered, and scheduling are all details that you will need to discuss individually.

Debby Gullery

Certified Relationship Coach, Counselor, Marriage & Relationship Educator

Rafael Guignard

Certified Life Coach and Lifebook Leader

John & Sandra Lowen

Marriage & Family Institutes

John Williams

Licensed Counselor and Relationship Coach

Myrna Lapres

Certified Relationship and Parenting Coach

This handbook is for single Unificationists who are interested in the matching and Blessing, and for those who will support them. It is designed to assist in developing a healthy, God-centered approach to finding an eternal partner and provide prospective couples with the confidence to take ownership of their final decision.