Retreat Schedule
In-person retreats are ever changing and we try to modify the content so it’s a fresh experience even for returning participants. The theme however stays the same: Connect. Grow. Prepare. Wherever you’re coming from- our hope is to engage, share insight, offer encouragement, and provide clarity for your life and relationship goals.
The schedule below is a just a template of what to expect at a retreat to help give you a feel for the format and schedule. Exact Times, Session Topics, Group Activities, and other details are variable and can change or depend on the Retreat Facility.
4:00 Registration and Check-In!
6:00 Dinner
7:15 Welcome Program
8:00 Evening Program
7:00 Morning Inspiration: What gets you going each day? Know some Yoga? Share with the group. Like running? … Good for you! How ‘bout a sunrise hike? HDH? Tai Chi or Chai Tea? No wrong answers.
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Session 1: Opening Program
10:00 Break
10:15 Testimony. Small Group Discussion. 1-on-1 Round 1
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Group Activities. Field games, team challenge, Craft group etc. We’ll intro you to the options.
4:00 Free Time. The retreat site has basketball, volleyball, skating, pickleball, disc golf, the other kind of golf, hiking trails, a pool, a library… and a bunch of other stuff. Go enjoy.
6:00 Dinner
7:00 1-on-1s Round 1. Like it says, this is a chance to sit and chat with each individual of the opposite gender for about 10 minutes. It’s a time to listen, ask questions, and get to know to know someone. Then rotate and repeat, sort of like a line dance but without the music… or dancing. By the end of the retreat you’ll have had a 1-on-1 with every participant of the opposite gender.
8:00 Evening Program. Light the fire, grab some s’mores, and wind down.
7:00A Morning Inspiration. Rinse and repeat or shake it up and try something different.
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Session 3: Openness, Intention, and Transformation. Talk to me about trust, opening myself to possibility, choosing purpose, and where this all leads. You’ll hear a second couples’ testimony, have time for Q&A, and follow it with small group discussion.
10:20 Break
10:45 1-on-1s Round 2
12:30 Lunch
1:30 1-on-1s Round 3
2:45 Group Activities.
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
7:00 Session 4: Navigating Goals. How do I balance personal, professional, and relationship goals? Breakout into small group discussions after.
8:45 Evening Program. Bonfire, Board Games. You know the drill!
7:00A Morning Inspiration. Rinse and repeat or shake it up and try something different.
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Closing Session, Extended Conversations, Next Steps, Resources, Reflection.